

Maya's activities in Benjamín

Ahoj everyone! I am Maya, a German volunteer in the placement of Benjamín Krnov.

My daily activities are to help the clients to change their clothes, support them while eating snacks and the lunch and to take part or lead activities and therapies. There is a big variety of those, sometimes we do motoric exercises, sometimes we draw, dance or read books. I prepared some mini projects for Benjamín Krnov, like for example painting stones (kameny), baking German cake and making Easter decorations.

For me personally I really enjoy to interact with the patients, to improve my czech language skills by using them, even if it is just small talk. I find it interesting to find solutions about how to include all patients with different needs in one activity. It is so nice to see how much happiness and positivity those people have and gain from just little activities or conversations.

I have learnt a lot about working with disabled people and have lost the little fear of contact that I still had in the beginning and grew a lot in self confidence and patience :)