

"I really enjoy themed days at school!"

Let's visit today school in Bohumín. How's Thea doing?

"The first month of my time here as a volunteer was full of new experiences, fun and challenges. And I got to meet many amazing people. My workplace is a school for disabled children.

My day at the school starts at 7:30am. It is the time when the students start to arrive. For the past few weeks I was in the class… where I usually help with feeding the pupils and watching over them. One of my main tasks here right now is to feed the pupils at breakfast and lunch. At first it was a quite strange thought for me to feed the pupils as I never did it before, but after a bit of time and watching my colleges do it I got used to it. In the afternoon there is an afterschool class, where the children can play, relax and do fun activities with the teacher. There I usually play with the children. At 1:30pm I get of work.

Sometimes there are special themed days at school, that I really enjoy. For example, at national animal day the leader brought a baby sheep to school. Two other co-workers also brought a turtle and a dog. I think it was a really nice experience for the children and I enjoyed it a lot. As I cannot speak Czech Yet, communicating with the students and other co-workers right now is still a challenge to me." (Thea, Germany)